HELP! Two cracked (one bad) eggs but there's movement... what to do???


7 Years
Aug 8, 2013
I went to inspect the eggs (we are expecting any day now) and found two eggs that are broken. I imagine it happened during the scuffles of the other hens wanting to lay in her nest. This was the worst one.


However, right before I decided it was likely dead, I saw it move. A couple times. It is now on a heating pad on a damp towel under a bowl along with it's broken sibling. Question is, if it's moving now and the egg is this broken, likelihood of survival? It's going to hatch any day, today be the earliest. What should I do?
Update... the membrane was punctured on that one and I could see the yolk once I got the moisture up on it. It no longer moved and now I wonder if it was just fluid moving around instead of actual movement. Anyway, that one is a goner but the second one is still intact but I can't see anything. Should I do anything special?
Update... the membrane was punctured on that one and I could see the yolk once I got the moisture up on it. It no longer moved and now I wonder if it was just fluid moving around instead of actual movement. Anyway, that one is a goner but the second one is still intact but I can't see anything. Should I do anything special?

Chances are, the chick was alive when you found it but it may have had internal damage. It's hard to save them when the membrane has been broken. Don't give up on the other one. It may just be sleeping. Just keep it moist and warm around the egg and hope for the best. I have put eggs like this one in the incubator and they have hatched. There may be a chance that the inner membrane will shrink wrap around the chick so if you see a pip but no hatching after 18 to 24 hours, you may have to help it. Good luck!

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