Help! Unabsorbed yolk or umbilical hernia?


Jun 6, 2015
I'm a first grade teacher, and I've hatched eggs quite a few times, but this is new for me. I've left him in the incubator with a pipped chick --oop, now a hatched chick - but I took the others out, as they were starting to peck at him. He hatched about 6 hours ago. I put Bacitracin on the spot and I'm keeping the incubator moist. Anything else I should do?

Thank you so very much - my class is praying that this guy makes it!
I sure hope that's not what it is! It has darkened in color, and he is in the brooder with the others. He is active, and eating and drinking normally. I'd hate to isolate him if I don't need to. Would it be too late now, anyway, or do I leave it? I did put apple cider vinegar in the water. I have to order the vitamins online, as I am not in an area that supplies chicken stuff, so I don't know if I'll get it in time to help. Does anyone have a vitamin suggestion? I have Amazon prime...I may try to head out the the "country" and find a feed store tomorrow.
Totally fine, 7 weeks old. So bizarre! It didn't completely go away, there is still a darker, thicker area - but it doesn't seem to bother him!

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