HELP! Unexpected baby chick just hatched 5 minutes ago!

You could let mom raise them for you to save having to set up a brooder, etc. If you go that route, she will let the kids know when she is tired of taking care of them, but they will be fully feathered by then. The mom should be able to keep them safe from the others, no one messes with momma hen. That being said, I would watch the flock dynamics just to be sure that everything is well. I have a momma taking care of her chick right now that hatched on Tuesday. I have her seperated inside the coop behind fencing to give her, the baby, and the rest of the flock time to adjust and will let them out this weekend when I can actually be there to watch how things go. That also gives me time to chickerize the coop. It's not going to be able to make that step to get back inside the coop so I need to build a baby ramp.

Cute pic by the way!
I had my first hatch several weeks back. I let mama keep the chicks. They free range in the yard and stay under her when they get cold. It is surprising what nature can do when we leave it alone. I had SO many questions. People were probably sick of seeing my posts.
Aren't they awesome to watch? Beautiful hen by the way! What breed is she?
I believe she is a Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are beautiful birds. When the chick stuck it's head out, she took her beak and tucked it back in as if to say "get back in there before you get hurt". It was so cute! I will have to find something bigger to keep her in for a while over here, away from the others, at least until the other eggs hatch and all are up and moving around. I can let them go in my backyard where I can watch them for a while when they are a little bigger (I have 13 acres and we are about 125 yards from the others). Then, I can move them into a fenced area by the big birds to get accustomed before releasing them just like "Chicken Chat" has done. This is so exciting! My 3 kids (twins who are 4 and a 6 year old) were screaming with excitement last night when they realized a chick was being hatched.
Momma will take care of her chicks trust me. we have banty's with broods and full size chickens a flock of over 100. chickens twice the banty's size will not mess with the momma's or their broods!!! nature will take its course let the flogging begin and let her raise her babies.
My 13 year old is in LOVE with our babies! I even catch my husband looking out for them sometimes. We live on 3 acres and let them free range. I was SO nervous!! It is ridiculous how attached you can become to a chicken, but we candled, planned, watched, waited and I don't want anything to happen to our kiddos!! I remember the little head pokes. Ours are getting older and really getting personalities and venturing on their own. I can't wait to get our first egg from one of our girls! (Knowing my luck, they will all be roosters!!!!) Haha
Hi, Im very experienced with chickens and have had them for many years. My bantam hen hatched 2 unexpected chickes and we moved them to a guinea pig cage (its a big cage) we also made a nest in which she is properly using. We have chick starter feed and a chick waterer. They havent got drinks in a day but know where the whater is. Just curious if its natural or not good. Thank you.
Hi, Im very experienced with chickens and have had them for many years. My bantam hen hatched 2 unexpected chickes and we moved them to a guinea pig cage (its a big cage) we also made a nest in which she is properly using. We have chick starter feed and a chick waterer. They havent got drinks in a day but know where the whater is. Just curious if its natural or not good. Thank you.
You will probably get more responses it you start your own thread so people know what it's about.
I'm not very experienced. But I think chicks have enough yolk in their bellies to survive for 2 days before they need food or water.

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