Feedback Help Us Create New Names for Trophy Point Levels!


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 21, 2011
New Mexico
(sorry for the inconvenience all, some of your posts were accidently deleted so if you could kindly repost them, I would be thrilled! :) )

Ok folks, you all have been wondering about Titles, you know the New Egg, Just Hatched, Out of the Brooder, Chillin with my Peeps, and so on...which changed according to your post count. Well with this new system your Title will change as you gain Trophy Points! Trophy points are gained through length of time here on BYC, how many likes you have received, how many posts you have made, uploading an avatar, etc... (You can view those with the highest trophy points here...

Here is the plan for Title changes on the new BYC! Remember, these are Points not Posts!

  • New egg: 0
  • Just Hatched:10
  • Out: 20
  • Chillin: 50
  • Overrun: 250
  • Obsessed: 400
  • Addict: 500
  • Master: 600

Now here is where you all come in! We would like to hear it from you with suggestions on new Title Names for possible NEW levels between 50 and 250, 250 and 400 and so on! Maybe even for those above 600 points. Eventually many members will surpass 600 points! (We have some terrific members out there!!)

So get your thinking caps on folks and give us some ideas for more levels please we need your feedback! :)

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