Help us name our rooster!! PIC ADDED on post #27

Michael Jackson
Oh my gosh! So many good names!

Stupid has the perfect personality for his name! I don't think this roo could pull off such a cool name. No, he doesn't walk like Stupid the first, but his feet are sure confused like Stupid's.
4 toes on foot, 5 on the other.
He's actually really fast and flies ( uh oh!). However, he is usually shy and calm...thankfully. He's small too! He's the same size as my Barred Rock and Buckeye hens!

I thought Garcia as well...but I am not convinced of it. Ringo is cool.

The rooster formally known as.....

Other names that we have considered....Ozzie, Jethro, JD (for James Dean), Sid (for Sid Vicious), but I know that there is the perfect name for him. Just not convinced of one yet.
I have two Favs roos that are 4 weeks today. Since the Favs are a French breed. I decided to give the all French names. The one roo, who is obviously going to be the charmer & looker of the two is named LeBeau...which means "the handsome one". The other roo is still waiting for something to stand out about his personality to get named.

The six Favs pullets all have French names as well, except for Fox...who was named for a character in the movie Wanted.
How about "Mr. Pink" - it's a movie reference in case people don't get it- but also Salmon Favorelle's are a little pinkish are they not?

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