Help - we have a screamer!!

I have Wyandottes and they are not noisy but when I was studying the breed it said they are very noisy. I'm thinking the time out will do her good too. She might be less noisy?
Have you talked to your neighbors? I have a loud hen and that's what I did. I was worried about the response but turns out she wasn't bothering anyone (except us, as the coop is 30' from my bedroom). Asking directly could backfire but it is what I would want a neighbor to do so it is what I do.

As for controlling it, I would try:

locking them in the darkened coop until as late as 8 or 9 am, cover all cracks and crevices from light BUT maintain ventilation.

if they can't free range all the time, consider not letting them out in the morning, as this is when they are noisiest and they will start to demand it if it becomes their routine. let them out at the end of the day instead. or it is possible that you'll find they quiet down if let loose...but probably until you lock them up again. it may take experimentation on what works but try to work toward a consistent schedule.

give them treats - cabbage, scraps, an old stump, crickets, a pile of leaves. try to give them more space if you can. keep them occupied with things to climb and perch on. in the end, though, the dominant hen is usually loud in the morning.

"Had" a Delaware that would scream her head off when she ready to lay, and she started early like an hour or 2 before she ever laid the egg, and she would run whoever was in the top 3 boxes out no matter what.......she had to go......too much stress on my other girls for us to put up with it, tried every option but nothing fixed her only temporary changes, and it was one of the hardest decisions we had to make. If she did not bother any other bird you may have a chance with her, but if bothers the others she needs to go.

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