Help--What am I???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 25, 2009
Hi my name is Favio and my mama thought I was a Salmon Faverolle. But now she's not sure what I am. I was free as a "rare mystery chick" from McMurray Hatchery. But my mom's new to all this chicken stuff.

I have 5 toes and feathered feet. My mom thinks I'm a roo. I am almost 10 weeks old, but I'm smaller than my mom's other chickens. My feathers are brown and blackish green in color, with some cream colored feathers throughout my neck area. I am quite camera and people shy. Please help my mom figure out what breed I am.




Below is a picture of my feet. Note the 5 toes and feathers.
Well I was kinda thinking that's what he was. But not entirely sure since I'm new to this but the legs and feathered feet kinda help in deciding. But he's quite shy, maybe because when he was younger he was picked and what not unfortunatly. But he's 100% better from that now and he's looking good. Thanks!
I was gonna agree with Favorelle. We have one that's not standard color but he is my baby. He is about 8 mos old now and he is huge! Of course it doesn't help that he's surrounded by bantys ... LOL. He is very sweet. Here's my Joe


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