Help! What gender?


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2015
Below are pictures of my 7 week old Easter Egger/ Polish chick. I think it is a female, but i am not sure. It is mostly black, with a few brown splotches.I have 2 roosters that are in its flock, and they fight each other. However, this one stays away and just pecks the ground. I havn't heard any crowing from it, just loud cheeps. I have heard crowing from my other 7 week old roosters. I would love a second opinion, If it is a rooster i have to sell him asap. Thanks!

Here is a picture of under his wings so you can try to make out any saddle feathers

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Could you explain to me how you figured that out? I am new to this and would love to find out how it is done.

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