Help...what is wrong with my chicken's beak? (pics)

If it is canker, should I get rid of this rooster? Even if he gets better, will he still spred it? None of the others show signs of it and I pulled him out of the flock about a week after I saw it. I thought another one might be getting it, but I looked at him today and his beak looks normal. I really don't want this to be a problem for all the others.
It looks like canker- BUT if you want to know for sure that it is before you go out and buy meds, or cull this bird ect- take him to a vet that will see chickens or birds in general. It is an EASY diagnosis if you have a decent microscope, the vet will look at the goo under the microscope and the organisms are easy to see swimming around. It is an extremely common problem in pigeons- do you have wild or tame pigeons around your chickens? Not so common in chickens- they can get it, but not as common as say- lice!
No pigeons around here. If it is an organism, why can't they be killed like worms? Why are they always carriers?

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