Help what more can we do


11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Hartford, Maine
A friend of mine just started raising chicks. She bought some buff orphingtons from a backyard seller and then bought some more from another seller. The Buffs started with the bloody poop and died. Then more bloody poop and I imediately told her to start with the Sulmet at 1 and a 1/2 tsp in a quart of water. It has been 4 days and they are still dying but no bloody poop. I told her to totaly clean and disenfect the coop wihich is a converted brnd new rabbit cage. What else can we do. Is there a different med we can give. The chicks range from 5 wks to 3 wks. Any help would really be appreciated. This is a heck of a way for a newbie to get introduced to chickens.
Are they on medicated feed? Sounds like coccidious. Medicated can help. The area must be kept clean. Eating poop is.what causes it.
yes they are on medicated feed, she does however have or at least had 29 in the 2x3 cage. I told her she needed to get them into something larger like their coop witha heat lamp or at least a light bulb for heat. I thought it might be because they were to crowded or that the buffs were sold with this. I figured it was coccidious.
Medicated feed helps build immunity but will not treat them if they have a heavy load of cocci. There are only two treatments, Corid and sulfa. I'd try corid; it's a gentler treatment anyway.

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