Help! Whats my chicken???


7 Years
Jun 30, 2012
I am new to this site. Could anybody please help me determine what breed my chickens are?? We think they are about 9 weeks old. Thank you
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hmm...... maybe a cornish x rock mix? I once had a cornish x rock who looked quite similar to the pictures but not exactly.
The legs are definitely not thick enough to be a cornish/rock cross and their faces aren't shaped like cornish/rock either. I'm thinking they are white rock mixed with maybe barred rock because of the pale golden barring on the body. They could be amberlinks too, they are super layer hybrids. Where did you get them? That would help determine your breed / crossbreed possibilities.
hi thanks for your responces ,
we are in lincolnshire england and totally new to chicken keeping just got 4 chickens in our back garden the 2 were asking about we brought locally as cream crested legbars . after a google search we soon noticed we could find nothing that looked like our chickens .we spoke to the girl we brought from and she suggested looking under white legbar ? still no resemblances the nearest we thought was amber link or star maybe.or a throw back legbar gene . interested in any opinions thanks
we are in lincolnshire england and totally new to chicken keeping just got 4 chickens in our back garden the 2 were asking about we brought locally as cream crested legbars . after a google search we soon noticed we could find nothing that looked like our chickens .we spoke to the girl we brought from and she suggested looking under white legbar ? still no resemblances the nearest we thought was amber link or star maybe.or a throw back legbar gene
Being that you are in the UK makes it more likely that they are white legbars. I would suggest searching in the Breeds, Genetics, and showing section for the legbar thread. I remember seeing something about someone here in the US with legbars carrying the white gene.

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