Help Whats wrong with my chick


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 13, 2007
Hi I have two chicks that are five days old. One has had a slightly crooked neck for a couple of days and now has started putting her head between her legs and running backwards till she falls over. Then she gets up and walks normaly for a bit. The other is totaly healthy but will it be ok on its own untill my next batch hatch in two three weeks if the other doesn't make it. I would appreciate any advice.
What is the breed? Silkies and Polish are prone to a condition called Wryneck. It can be caused buy and bump on the head or due to vitamine deficiency particularly vit E. Some have been able to cure their chicks with Polyvisol given daily. The following is an article by Alan Stanford a noted breeder of Silkies
I am sorry you had this happen, I know it is very upsetting.

Treating "Crookneck"
by Alan Stanford
Permission to share this is granted as long as you give credit to the Author

Here is my theory and therapy for what some call "limber neck" and I call
crookneck. The symptoms first show as a crook in the neck. It progresses to
tucking the head, then tucking the head between the legs, then backing up, and
tumbling over. It usually hits young birds but can happen at any age.

It is unclear what causes crookneck. American Silkie Bantam Club members
suggest water on the brain, vitamin E deficiency, and injury to the brain that
is outside the skull and forms the knob on the top of Silkie's heads. The
brain injury is the cause I feel fairly certain about.

Water on the brain was seen in a necropsy of an affected bird. Prednisone was
suggested as symptomatic relief. Vitamin E and B complex are both good for
neurological disorders. Selenium helps absorb vitamin E.

Here's what I do for affected birds. If started before symptoms get
severe, the
bird will totally recover. To give vitamin E - just cut the end off a human
capsule and squirt it in the bird's mouth.

It is important to be sure the bird gets enough to eat and drink while it has
this problem. Birds with severe cases of crookneck can't eat and drink enough
to survive. You will need to gently place their head in the feed dish and
carefully dip just the tip of the beak in water. Be careful not to dip
too far
into the water and to not stress the bird while trying to help.

The following is for an adult about 2 pound bird. Scale back for
smaller birds.

For the first week I give

Twice a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E

Once a day
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

For the second week I give

Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins

Every other day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

For the following weeks I give

Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins

Every third day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

Do not abruptly stop prednisone, the swelling rebounds, decrease dose
Vitamin E recovery can be slow; continue the vitamin E for several weeks at

You can get the prednisone from a vet; just describe the problem of
swelling in
the brain probably due to injury. Yes Silkies' brains do stick out through a
hole on the top of the skull.

You can get the vitamin E, selenium, and vitamin B complex or liquid
vitamins at
any pharmacy.

To get prednisone, print the pictures at
and take them to a vet.
Ok Thanks for all the information. I will head to the vets today. It seems a bit better today so I think It may still have a chance of recovering. Will Let you know how it goes.
Hi Could anyone please tel me how to administer selenium as I could only get hold of it in tablet form.

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