Help! When should I open the bator?


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2016
So 3 of my chickens have hatched this morning (day 22) and there are still 10 eggs that have yet to hatch. They are pretty much all fluffy at this point. I am going to leave them in there over night to give the other ones a chance, but at what point should I open the incubator and let them out? And when should i candle and tap the other eggs? I am so scared to open the incubator at the wrong time, in case they have potentially rolled over an egg and i cant see the pip!
you can open the incubator and take the chicks out that are dry, just don't leave it open more then necessary, you can also add some warm water at the same time to quickly boost humidity back up.
So i took the chicks out and then proceeded to candle and tap. Nothing. I then went forward to do the float test. One wiggled. Yay. Put it immediately back. In doing so found one buried under broken shells. Float tested, one of the stuck broken shells popped off, and i heard... peep peep! It was a pipped chick. I quickly put it back in the bator and shut the lid. I hope its ok. *fingers crossed*

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