Help! White coturnix with stunted growth!


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2019
I've been having some concerns lately about the growth of my white coturnix quail. I first got her from a chicken swap for $4 (mind you, this INCLUDED the cage, food, etc., so I was already sceptic), and took her home without an ounce of knowledge on any preexisting health conditions, much less an age. She appeared to be at most a week or two old, being the size of the palm of my hand.

It's been nearly 4 months from then, and she hasn't grown at all. She seems relatively healthy, eats and drinks well, and has normal feces. The only other worry I have is her insistent, random bouts of loud cheeping, as well as the fact that she does not lay eggs. Does anyone have any idea as to what might be wrong with my quail, such as egg trauma or an underlying condition?
A picture of the quail might help to determine if it really is healthy - or even is a coturnix.
If you have no others, she is probably cheeping for other quail - no quail do well alone. That could also explain the absence of eggs - quail are stressed when kept alone and a stressed bird doesn't lay. Or she could be wrongly sexed.
Is she the only one you have?
What are you feeding?
Yes, she is the only one I have, seeing as I haven't found a cagemate for her yet (lack of time + resources, not being in a very rural area, etc.), and because of her size I am still feeding her chick crumble, one named "ultrakibble for chicks", which is a wide-range fowl feed.
Yes, she is the only one I have, seeing as I haven't found a cagemate for her yet (lack of time + resources, not being in a very rural area, etc.), and because of her size I am still feeding her chick crumble, one named "ultrakibble for chicks", which is a wide-range fowl feed.

Could she be a he? The males will call for females and not lay eggs. They’re also typically a little smaller than females. My smallest coturnix is not much bigger than my palm though I have big hands.
Could she be a he? The males will call for females and not lay eggs. They’re also typically a little smaller than females. My smallest coturnix is not much bigger than my palm though I have big hands.
I suppose it is quite possible, actually, considering the seller did not specify whether or not the quail was male or female! (Again, very sketchy...)
Also. Could it be a button quail? Pictures would really help

Here is the quail! Please excuse the state of the cage, I haven't cleaned it yet :hit. But I definitely do agree that this quail may very well be a button quail, unlike what another source had told me!

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