HELP! with 3 names sooo lost.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Haskell Texas
My Coop
My Coop

Ok this is our Mottled Houdan, Not sure is he is a roo or not but acting suspicious, Anyway thought of stripe and Hawk, Just want something a little more Original and gender friendly.

Ok this is our mystery um Cochin, Sure she is female, but was supposed to be a frizzle... Anyway Any help on this one would be great.

Ok and last we do have our blue Cochin, which we have been told is a roo, he is so pretty. But have no idea what to name this one either.

Will take anything into consideration. These are the last 3 of our 10 pack without names and the poor things are 6 weeks old. Appreciate ALL help. Thanks BYC members Love YA!!!

Ok this is our Mottled Houdan, Not sure is he is a roo or not but acting suspicious, Anyway thought of stripe and Hawk, Just want something a little more Original and gender friendly.

Ok this is our mystery um Cochin, Sure she is female, but was supposed to be a frizzle... Anyway Any help on this one would be great.

Ok and last we do have our blue Cochin, which we have been told is a roo, he is so pretty. But have no idea what to name this one either.
Will take anything into consideration. These are the last 3 of our 10 pack without names and the poor things are 6 weeks old. Appreciate ALL help. Thanks BYC members Love YA!!!

Don't ask how I came up with them, they just popped in my head as I was reading.

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