Help with Baby Wood Ducklings


13 Years
May 7, 2009
Hillsborough NC
It's a crazy story, but to sum it up - I found 2 ducklings running around in front of my chicken coop Sat evening and since I have some broody call ducks due to hatch, I thought some had hatched and escaped. It didn't make sense, but I took the little ones in the house to warm up and then noticed they kept trying to jump out of the tub. Closer inspection the next morning made me think they look a lot like my gray call ducklings but something is different.

I think they are 2 wood ducklings which I never thought we had around us. I've never seen any and the small creek at the back of our property doesn't even have water the entire year. Also, my chicken coop is at least 150 ft from the creek. But, they didn't come from my broody ducks so there is no other explanation.

I have been crushing up mealworms and floating them on water and I think they are eating a little of them. No interest in the chick food I offer. I want to give these little guys a chance so I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to care for them. They seem to tiny to put in with our other ducks though I had thought of trying to add them to a batch of call ducks if they hatch out soon.

Pleased help. Thanks:
I agree they appear to be baby wood ducks. They jump from the nest when they are ready to leave it. Could there be a nest on your property that you are unaware of?
I agree they appear to be baby wood ducks. They jump from the nest when they are ready to leave it. Could there be a nest on your property that you are unaware of?
I'm sure there could be out in the woods, but nothing near where I found them. Lots of leaves on trees now so it's hard to see into the canopy. I guess that is what has us so puzzled - I found them in a clear area in front of the hen house. I do have some young chicks and 2 wk old ducklings so I don't know if they could have lost their Mom and been attracted to their chirps? I also wonder if a predator could have gotten to the nest and somehow these 2 got out. I did pick up some Manna Gamebird crumbles at TSC today and they are eating a little which makes me feel better.
wet the food down well, smear it on everything, the dish, the brooder walls, even the ducklings themselves. float it in the water. Most people have good luck with mazuri feed and baby wood ducks. Meal worms are also a good idea.

+1 on the identification, those do appear to be woodies.

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