Help with breeds please :)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 7, 2013
So I'm pretty new to chickens and got these guys from a pet store. I tried to pick one that all looked different.

Dark solid brown head, dark feet. Someone said maybe speckled Sussex? Would be cool but I'm not counting on it. I choose him cause he was the only one with a solid brown head.

Grey feet, grey around beak and eyes, slight black coming in on tail and wings. It stood out from all the other white chicks.

Black with white dot on head, grey feet, wing feathers black with white tips. Guessing barred rock?

Striped head and body. Orange feet.

Three if these. I'm guessing leghorns.
Check the comb on the black one. It looks like a rose comb to me. If it is then it's Dominique, if it's single comb then it's a Barred Plymouth Rock.
I'm not sure what to look for as far as combs go? I'll try to look it up. Care to guess what the others are? :)
The chipmunk one could be an EE they don't always have fluffy cheeks. What kind of comb does it have? Single comb yellow feet could be a Welsummer, single comb pink feet could be a Speckled Sussex.
She has a single comb and I think dark feet. In another site they're saying either partridge rock or speckled Sussex. Here's better pics. So far I know I've got a barred rock and a rose comb brown leghorn. The white one and this brown one I'm trying to figure out

The red on the face is just from their lamp.

And few more of the white one. Also single comb and has some grey on legs.

And this is the rose comb brown leghorn.

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