Help with broody chicken and hatching eggs, please.

I'm a newbie that successfully hatched one incubated chick and one natrually hatched chick. My broody started sitting on plastics also. I kept giving her real eggs to sit on, some went past their 21 days and were bad but I kept giving her new ones. She would take her breaks, but on occasion she would get distracted and I would gently remind her of her resonsibility and sit her back on her nest. 3 weeks later the cutest baby chick hatched. I gave her a private coop to raise her chick for the first few months.
That makes me feel better. Even if I get 2 out of this hatch I'll be happy. I just wanna see the little fluffies. I hope I get a decent one though, I have 2 people who will buy the girls off me already. :p She's doing great so far. She's radiating heat off her belly, turns the eggs often and is very grumpy if anyone goes near. Growled at her siblings and my dad yesterday and pecked me this morning when I offered her food. She's going to be a good Mumma.
The babies hatch (hopefully) on Monday night / Tuesday!! I'm so excited. :) :)

I'm going to get some chicken wire on the weekend to make a third of the run cut off from my Isas, just in case they get grumpy at the babies. My broody will be a very good over protective Mum but if they all hatch there's going to be too many for her to protect if my 2 Isas get nasty. Also getting some chick starter and getting some food and water ready for them.

Is there anything else I need to do?

Will the hen be able to monitor humidity and make sure they all hatch fine?

Don't mind me, quietly stalking ;) Can't wait to see the babies!
Yes the moms know just how to keep the eggs warm and the babies once they hatch. My broody kept her baby under her most of the time after hatching to provide the natural body heat that babies need. I just walked in there one day and a little chickie was peeking up at me when I lifted my hen. If for any reason your hen doesn't keep them warm, I would suggest putting the babies in a box with straw and using a brooder light to keep the temp at 95. Chicks are supposed to stay at this temp for first week and then gradually reduce 5 degrees per week.
My broody is doing good. Here's a picture of the chick that's determined to get out first. The rest have pipped but not as much as this little guy. I'm so excited!!! :D
Impatient hatched a full 2 hours before any of his siblings.

There's currently 8 fluffed up, 1 half unzipped and 4 more pipping. Lost 1 because he pipped through a blood vessel. :(
Impatient hatched a full 2 hours before any of his siblings.

There's currently 8 fluffed up, 1 half unzipped and 4 more pipping. Lost 1 because he pipped through a blood vessel. :(
Awww. I hate when that happens.

But congrats on all the rest of your successful hatchers! That little go getter is adorable!
11 Healthy babies, 1 egg not fertile, 1 early quitter (was the size of a pea) and unfortunately a lost baby at hatching time.
Not bad for both my broody and I not having a clue about what we were doing.
She's such a good Mumma, has taught them to scratch and gave them a worm, taught them how to dust bathe and how to groom. :') Let's them climb all over and under her and only got annoyed at one once cause it pulled out one of her tuft feathers.


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