Help with Buff Orpingtons


7 Years
Sep 15, 2012
I've had my Buff Orpingtons for about five years. This year I've gotten 4 or 5 chicks with discolored feathers. Any ideas why?

They have not been crossed with anything since I've had them.
It seems like a lighter tent of orange.It also may be NEW feathers coming in.My hens started getting new feathers dark black spots too.Its probably just part of them.I noticed white not to sure about it.
The feathers are blotchy, darker, then light, with white strips. The white shows more on the wings. I wonder if it could be a throw back gene showing?
I've had my Buff Orpingtons for about five years. This year I've gotten 4 or 5 chicks with discolored feathers. Any ideas why?

They have not been crossed with anything since I've had them.
Danne Honour who has been breeding Buff colored chickens for more than 40 years have explained that is type of color will pup up from time ti time, when you breed a dark buff bird with a light colored one this issue will arise..

here is Danne Honour very nice info on the buff coloration, its a PDF with his words
BUFF Coloration In Poultry 2008 by Danne Honour
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Just an extra thought on this excellent compilation. Danne says the best article he ever read on Buff coloring
was "The True Color Of Buff" written by Wid Card ( contained therein). A respected veteran poultryman
who happened to be Danne's uncle's uncle. The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree there.
Best Regards,
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Thanks for the replies and the link. It is a most interesting read. I've added it to my favorites.

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