help with candling please :)

Kathy's got you covered there. At this point just find something to keep your hands busy. Cleaning, laundry, tv; really anything to take your mind off of the babies for the moment. They'll let you know when they're ready.
Kathy's got you covered there. At this point just find something to keep your hands busy. Cleaning, laundry, tv; really anything to take your mind off of the babies for the moment. They'll let you know when they're ready.
I really only have one hole for ventilation there isn't any others and if you can see it in this pic it's by where the power cord goes in.oh and the small ones in the circle in the middle.

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Thank you so much for the help everyone btw! The humidity is up to 80 but it goes down and kind of levels out so I'm not messing with it but keep watching.temp is 98-99 right on.
Only reason why I asked is because I only added a couple drops of water and the humidity increased to 90 something. I took out the wet paper towel I know. It to mess with them but my humidity has been being stupid since yesterday. I finally got it right and left it alone. But 3 have internally pipped. And one is really pecking at the shell so it's closed and not getting touched. They haven't broken shell yet.

They will be patient...
Thank you so much for the help everyone btw! The humidity is up to 80 but it goes down and kind of levels out so I'm not messing with it but keep watching.temp is 98-99 right on.[/quo
Humidity doesn't need to be at 80 that's to high in my opinion, had a very bad experience with having humidity that high, but as long as it does down you should be ok. There's really NO REASON to have humidity that high..
I recently did some experiments with humidity and had no issues with humidty well over 70% for the last two days, but I do know that all were pipped internally when I raised the humidity.

@c0urtmarie , does your incubator have a fan?


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