help with candling please :)

The reason why I ask is because those eggs seemed that more light was coming through which is usually once the germ spot begins to develop into an embryo. I don't have any way to measure the humidity I just go off of instinct. I get maybe one or two that don't hatch but most do hatch.
How are your eggs doing courtMarie? Candled mine on day 8 and think I only have one growing out of 6 :(
So I have all 4 in the incubator still and they are little black blobs! I can't wait until Monday for them to hatch!!! I'll post pics!
Haha Thanks!! I have had 3 other ducks except one just was recently killed by a hawk and the only 2 left was my mated pair. They have gave me a ton of fertilized eggs!
Eeeks good to hear they are doing well, can't wait to see them! My little soldier is still going strong bless him. He's due next Friday. Can't wait any longer

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