- Sep 13, 2019
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I don’t have anything fancy happening in my incubator. I am curious though...
The Roo is Blue Laced Wyandotte
Hens: crested cream Legbars, ameraucana(I’m sure they are EE) sapphires & isbar.
Now I know the ameraucanas (EE)could be anything so ignore those.
What are the possible color outcomes for the others? Also am I correct to assume that the sex linked breeds offspring will NOT be sex linked?
@MysteryChicken is very good when it comes to genetics.However, that only helps if people know what color genes the birds HAVE. And most of us don't. And I have yet to have anyone tell me somewhere to look to learn about CHICKEN color genetics. I know horse and some turkey color genetics, but am clueless as far as chickens go.
Maybe he/she could help you.