Help with counting days

chicken hawk3

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
Hi! I just put eggs in the incubator Monday, 9/28, in the afternoon. Do I count Monday as day 1? I have tomorrow as my day 7 and want to candle. Is this correct, is tomorrow day 7 or is Monday day 7?
Other than day 7, I'm only planning to candle one other time, day 17, before lockdown.
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Hi! I just put eggs in the incubator Monday, 9/28, in the afternoon. Do I count Monday as day 1? I have tomorrow as my day 7 and want to candle. Is this correct, is tomorrow day 7 or is Monday day 7?
Other than day 7, I'm only planning to candle one other time, day 17, before lockdown.
The count begins 24 hours after set because chicken eggs need 21 days of INCUBATION and they don't have one day until they've been incubating 24 hours. So if you set on 9/28, Monday the 5th would be day 7 and lockdown (for most people is day 18) is 10/16 with hatch expected 10/19. Hope that helps.
Yup, what Amy said. Monday afternoon is day 7. And whatever day of the week you set on, will be hatch day. So if you set on Monday afternoon, hatch day should start 3 Monday's from then.

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