Help with duck identification


In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2021

I’m new to the neighborhood, but the ducks are not. I am not certain what breed or combination these ducks are and I need help. There are several Pekin, a Muscovy (female), Mallards, and then these guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



They are living in a neighborhood lake/pond. I’m not sure who bought them and cares for them. I buy scratch grains and blueberries for them. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Magpie, possibly half Ancona. Or maybe Swedish x Ancona. Ancona are pied. Magpie are black on top their head and body. Swedish are black head and body with a bit of white detailing. If you have hybrids they could be any combo of those three and maybe a few other possibilities.
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Interesting. So, if they are hybrids, does that mean that they are sterile? I’m sorry for Telegraph silly questions. I am really getting attached to these guys. I have a 15 month old. Her first word, besides momma and dada, was duck. We just love them so. I didn’t realize how attached I was until the Muscovy (one of the only ones I could identify for obvious reasons) went missing at the beginning of May.

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