Help with Duck Run


May 2, 2021
I have two ducks, a Pekin and a blue Swedish. I’m building a duck run/coop for them as they outgrow their brooder quickly. I am looking for advice on my fencing. I have an 8.5x6 run 4’ tall that I’ve extended with poles up to 7’. The top need fencing. I am hardware clothing the bottom 2’ but the top I’m curious if I need hard fencing or if poultry netting will work. Do I need heavy fencing up top or just something to keep eagles out. We have predators from bobcats to bear. I know their isn’t much besides our electric fence keeping bears out.
I wouldn't use poultry netting, personally. It doesn't seem strong enough to me - but I haven't used it because I wanted the highest level of safety so maybe I'm wrong. I would be concerned about bobcats, racoons, and weasels getting in if you used netting. My understanding is the only hardware cloth will stop weasels. They are supposed to be nocturnal, but I've seen them in the middle of the day 3 times now. My entire aviary is wrapped in hardware cloth, skirt, walls, and top.

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