Help with Frostbite, Alaska coop

Glad to have found this thread as well, my coop is well ventilated also, with shavings on the floor, but not heated. We were doing fine until last week when it dropped to -25 with -40 windchills. My little OEG bantam rooster has awful frostbite on his comb now. It looks like a third of it is black, another third is pale looking, but I haven't noticed any swelling yet.

Is there anything I should be doing to prevent infection? Sounds like this is quite common, but I worry about the extent of it, since it's not just the tips.

He usually snuggles between the cochins until you can't even see him so I assumed he would be fine :(
Poor Plymouth Rocks and their large single combs! My next Roo is going to be a Brahma or something with a pea comb. If you hadn't already, put neosporin on. He doesn't seem to have much frostbite on his comb, just his wattles. It was totally the opposite for my Rock Roo, his wattles had a tiny white on them but the comb was where most of the damage was.

So glad I found this thread. I was reading others from 'southerners' and I don't worry about 20 degree weather, unless, there is a minus included. My RI white developed frostbite & I needed to bring him in to make sure he could eat. His waddles are SO swollen. I totally cleaned out the coop today making sure that any icy area (little around the waterer) was scraped up. I had the vents partially closed & the window has been closed. I have a 25W light under my waterer, which is in the coop (freezing is a problem). I don't know if I should do anything different.

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