Help with Ground dove chick!


7 Years
Jun 12, 2016
So on my may to a Job training excercise my school advised me for the Vacation (July and August) I noticed a small brown lump at the side of the road. When i came up to look at closely, It was a dove chick but a Ruddy ground chick since it tiny and I did had my experience with them when i stole 2 from a nest and they died<< but whatever. This time a chick was at the side of road and I saw no trees in sight, no nests under buildings and not a bird in sight. So i took it, carried it to work and asked for a small box... Blah blah blah hours later, its home time and i carried the chick home with me, Should I of just left it there for something to get it or just carried it home, I;m thinking about just letting it die since The nearest Vet is 4 hours away and Im not going through all that trouble to get it better(sorry if thats harsh)...... But I love birds and I cant ever leave a bird stranded anywhere without help...Anyways its home, with my Ringneck doves(5 of them and soon to be 7 since my female layed 2 more eggs). i put the little fellow under the Ringneck dove mother and she doesn't seem to mind but he just jumps out and can't even fly right, I'm hoping that At least a miracle happens and that tomorrow I see the Ringneck dove parents feeding it (XD as if that'll happen) so anyways... if that doesn't happen...what do i do: Do i just kill it with a rock or just leave outside on the ground for those cats that forage everywhere and try to catch my ringneck doves or what else...
I've tried to feed it, it looks about 1 week and some days old but it has majority of its feathers and its flight feathers as well and seems to look normal except for the not being able to fly right...It refuses to eat and im just thinking about letting it die on its own....but thats a last option... How do i feed a bird that refuses to eat! Its not like I kidnapped it from its nest (like what i did other birds).... No where in my country sells that Extract formula and im running out of time to feed him (maybe,probably idk how much time he has left)..... I cant pry his mouth open since its beak is soo tiny and IDK WHAT TO FEED IT!!!! is there something that i can make from SCRATCH? that i can actually get in a store? Please reply as quick as possible
I think the best option is to let it starve to death somewhere far away from my house...
Or is there something that will work.
Oh and why are rehabbers like kids and people who find doves or pigeons on the ground ABLE TO FEED them and they willingly will eat from their HANDS? How come this dove isn't... Does anyone have exprience with dove chick that refuses to be hand fed?
Please reply as soon as possible with detail information and stuff
Thank You
It won't eat if it isn't warm enough. I'm currently hand rearing two Java finches and they will not beg if I take them out of the incubator I have them in. It's too cold (little fuss-pots)! Can you put it under a heat lamp?

I found this page that might help - it has a home made recipe for dove chick food:
No thats not the problem, I live in a warm climate and it already is covered in feathers. The problem is>its refusing to eat and wont put its beak in or even squeak... Anyways it died already soo, but in the future i would like to know to feed a tiny beak like the Ruddy ground dove.
Thanks for the Link, its really helpful

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