Help with identifying our chicks..


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Northwest North Carolina
Hi BYC Friends,

Can someone assist us on identifying these little ones. They are suppose to be 8 - 10 weeks old and all pullets.


Is this a golden comet?

These are the ones that I am not sure what they are. They look like the leghorns, but they have the black spots?

Is this one a leghorn?

Rhode Island Red?


Evan and his new coop.
I think your white ones with the black spots might be Delawares. I don't know about the other ones. I LOVE your coop!
I want to live in that coop!!!! WOW!!! Bring one to Texas while you are at it!!! Your little guys are lovely!!! And very lucky!!!
I think the first one is a sex-link, so could be a golden comet, etc.

The white with spots aren't leghorns, look into the California white and see if that's what they are.

Looks like a RIR or production red.

Nice looking flock!
Thanks for the replies. He is really excited about finally having his chickens. We are both anxious to see what they turn out to be. I hope they do well for him. He is a little anxious about them, hoping that he bought birds that will lay well and be good quality. I guess only time will tell. We definitely don't know our breeds. He plans to start working on his run this week while he is out of school for Easter break. Two of you said the white with black spots might be California whites. Are they good layers?
Looks to me like you have some delawares, some white and california white leghorns, a couple production reds (whick btw are new hampshire X rir X white leghorn crosses) and a red-sex-link (who looks just like my golden comets).....good luck

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