Help with ID'ing my chickens please...


8 Years
Jun 2, 2012
Clifton Forge, VA
My husband and i bought a bunch of chickens from tractor supply this year. The first time we got like 13 or so, all pullets. The second time we got like 36 or so, straight run. The first ones were supposed to be amberlinks and the second group a mixture of like leghorns, amberlinks and something else, but not what I am starting to see in them all. I have an idea what some of them might be but not sure with others. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure how old they are in this picture but they are all are 17 weeks old today. Not sure when they might start laying being I thought that different breeds often start laying at different times? Thanks again for any and all help!! Love love love my chickens!!
That's a whole lot of chickens!

Picture 1 & 2- you've got two barred rocks in the center. They could also be black sex link cockerels. In front is a buff Orpington. On the bottom left, drinking water is a silver laced Wyandotte pullet.

Picture 3- in the back, by the fence post, the dark bird with some gold/brown on it's breast, is either a black sex link pullet or an Asian black pullet. There are two others at least of the same thing in this picture. The small buff and black bird in the middle is probably a gold laced Wyandotte, but could be an Easter egger, too. The pure buff birds on the left are buff Orpingtons. And the white bird with brown on its wings is an amberlink.

Last picture- more black sex links or Asian blacks, more buff Orpingtons. The white birds could be Leghorns or amberlinks. Amberlinks will usually have some gold or brown on the shoulders and/or wings. The bird eating at the feeder looks like a gold laced Wyandotte cockerel.

I do think you may have a few cockerels in this group.
That's a whole lot of chickens!

Picture 1 & 2- you've got two barred rocks in the center. They could also be black sex link cockerels. In front is a buff Orpington. On the bottom left, drinking water is a silver laced Wyandotte pullet.

Picture 3- in the back, by the fence post, the dark bird with some gold/brown on it's breast, is either a black sex link pullet or an Asian black pullet. There are two others at least of the same thing in this picture. The small buff and black bird in the middle is probably a gold laced Wyandotte, but could be an Easter egger, too. The pure buff birds on the left are buff Orpingtons. And the white bird with brown on its wings is an amberlink.

Last picture- more black sex links or Asian blacks, more buff Orpingtons. The white birds could be Leghorns or amberlinks. Amberlinks will usually have some gold or brown on the shoulders and/or wings. The bird eating at the feeder looks like a gold laced Wyandotte cockerel.

I do think you may have a few cockerels in this group.

Thank you for confirming many of my thoughts about what I have. Tractor Supply is never very straight with what they might have in their pens for sale. It can often say its one thing and turn out to be another, but I love it just the way they are.

Yes, at least one or two cockerels that I know of. One in particular crows daily,multiple times lol! There is another one I believe that has tried crowing but doesn't do it very often. When they first started doing it, it scared the beejeevers out of all of them, including the rooster. They all took off in a dead run for their house for safety ROFL!!
Thank you for confirming many of my thoughts about what I have. Tractor Supply is never very straight with what they might have in their pens for sale. It can often say its one thing and turn out to be another, but I love it just the way they are.

Yes, at least one or two cockerels that I know of. One in particular crows daily,multiple times lol! There is another one I believe that has tried crowing but doesn't do it very often. When they first started doing it, it scared the beejeevers out of all of them, including the rooster. They all took off in a dead run for their house for safety ROFL!!
lol that's funny. Chickens are so entertaining.

They look like nice, healthy birds.
The buff ones are buff orpingtons, the barred ones are barred rock mixes, the gold and black spotted ones are gold laced wyandottes, the ones with greens legs (might just be the photos) are easter eggers, the black and white spotted ones are silver laced wyandottes, the all white ones are leghorns, the white ones with gold wings are amberlinks, and the black ones with gold on their chests are black sex links.

I'm pretty sure you have one buff orpington cockerel, two barred rock mix cockerels, and at least one gold laced wyandotte cockerel.

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