Help with Kids

definately mud!!!!!
Cardstock, crunstruction paper, kid sizzors and glue

Make lots of little simple craft stuff.. Have them make birthday cards and holiday cards for different members of the family. Take a bunch of different color sheets of construction paper and cut them into different shapes and let the glue them down.. Or get color books and crayons, barbies, a fish tank
( That would hold the younger of the two anyway)

Different colors of sand and glue and they can make pictures with that.. MOST of this stuff, of course, requires adult supervision and I am not sure how much time being a single mom you have to sit with them to do all this. Are you a SAHM?

I cant remember the ages you gave but ask them to sit down and draw you pictures of their favourite chickens

Make tents in the living room out of the blankets/ pillows around your house.. Macaroni pictures were always my favorite


Oh the fun you can have
Never underestimate the power of a cardboard box!!!!! (free from a local appliance dealer)


I have a bathtub/shower combination that we let our kids "fingerpaint" when they were little. We would put them in their swimming suits and give them the paints. They would make "art" on the walls. I took pictures of them and their art. Then I would spray off the wall and let them start over. They did this for HOURS. I would use this time to clean out the bathroom cabinets & drawers. We would sing, laugh and tell jokes.

Another thing I liked to do was get old socks, decorate them as hand puppets with yarn, buttons, markers, fabric, etc. Then we would pull out the sofa & get behind it to use it as our "stage". We would stick our puppet hands up over our head and make them talk. What a hoot.

The tent thing was cool, but sometimes we would have an indoor picnic. I liked letting the little ones spread the peanut butter and jelly. The older ones would peel carrots and cut fruit. We would pretend we were outside. When the storm passed, we went outside for puddle jumping. Just remember to put towels outside with a big tub for wet clothes. Strip down before everyone comes in and go shower or bathe.

We used rainy days to start planters, usually a flower (marigolds work great) that they could transplant outside when it got bigger. My kids seemed to enjoy the science project kind of stuff.

We would read a lot of the same books, so I would have my youngest ones "read" to me. They weren't really reading, but re-telling the story by looking at the pictures and remembering when it was read to them. It was funny to hear some of their translations.

Crafts, crafts, crafts. Macaroni necklaces.... glue macaroni onto paper for art, home make playdough... coloring, scissors, glue, glitter....
I had a box that I saved things like that in for rainy days.

Good luck and HAVE FUN. Just be a big kid and you won't have any trouble playing....

Before you know it, they will be in college or grown and move away.
My kids LOVE to help in the kitchen... Almost like it makes them feel older and more useful! One fun thing we do is let them help when making yogurt popsicles (easy to find online), brownies, or cookies! Plus it's always fun to get a little messy with them

Also the Wii really helps pass the time with the eldest... Our 18 month old still plays along with a non-linked remote ofcourse

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