Help with little mini

Nessa 73

6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Have got two 1yr thuringian bantams (Dotty and Betty) and have just acquired a new thuringian chick. They keeping attacking her. Any tips to help them all settle?
You can not add a baby chick in with adult hens unless the hen has been broody at the time of introduction and then accepts the chick. Otherwise they will likely kill the baby. I would get a few more chicks and raise them in a brooder and introduce when the birds are more similar in size. A chick alone will be very lonely and it is generally better to introduce more than one bird at a time when the pullets are old enough.
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Howdy from Kansas, Nessa73, and
! Great to have you aboard! I agree with the post above - the baby chick has to be several weeks at least before being put in with the established birds. Best of luck to you!
I just acquired a Thuringian rooster and can't find him a mate. May I ask where you purchased yours or can you tell me where to find them. I live in the Northern part of Florida.

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