help with mosquitos


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
I just moved to a new area. i lived before on a lake and had no problem with mosquitos. now i live where there is no still body of water and at night around 6PM my chickens are surrounded by mosquitos. i have tried using the mosquito repellent fogger from tractor supply that was $20 and that worked for about 10 mins. ever since moving to this new place i have lost 8 baby pheasants and about 4 chickens. and alot of them now have swollen eyes. i have asked the feed stores and no one can really help me out. is there anyone out there that has had this problem i need help NOW
I'm having the same problem with mosquitoes in Thailand at the moment. There are literally swarms of them! Sadly I had a hen die last night and blood tests showed she was suffering from Avian Malaria. So word of warning - be careful. I would suspect that Avian Malaria is not a problem where you are though. I'm worried for my remaining 4 chickens. Sorry I can't help, but I'm sure someone with experience and good advice will reply soon. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread so I can learn more too.
I have lost 2 because they have been getting really sick. Eyes are getting swollen eye closed, and cold symptoms. im trying everything to get this handled. next weekend im going to tractor supply to see if their bigger 45$ fogger will work. we have swarms of them also they surround them and they dont get any sleep during the night its really sad
Maybe try some Diatomaceous Earth, dust them with it and put it in the coop. My birds arent being bothered by the bugs since I started using it. I also add it to their feed. Get the Codex food grade, it should rid them of the cold symptoms too!
The fogger does not work because it only covers were the mosquitoes are at the moment and not the millions outside that samll area: save your money or spend it on things that do!

These are expensive but have research to show they work. They cover a big area so perhaps a neighbor would split the cost.

I just read on mother earth news about natural repellant:

The plants have been studied for effectivity and one works as well DEET sprays (which are a neurotoxin!). You can make a spray from them to directly spray on the chickens.

You can also plant them to get an effect. You could plant them around the run, or even make hanging planters inside the run!

The spot where the coop is was the favorite spot for mosquitoes before I got chickens. I do not know if they eat the mosquitos, but one big difference is the way they disturb leaf matter that sits on the ground. Mosquitos can lay eggs in a curled up leaf that holds water. I can now stand in there run and encounter fewer mosquitoes than outside.

Mosquito screen is fairly cheap especially when you buy a big roll. Consider using it around the chicken enclosure...
A note about the screen...

My run abuts my screened in porch and the chickens have not torn the screen that is one side of their enclosure...they do not try to go through it. However it does not go all the way to the ground because there is a knee wall. I expect it it did go to where their feet are they would tear it, so you might have to put a plank around the bottom of the enclosure.
Gigi- the Diatomaceous Earth where can i get it.
suzi- i know its a res disease and i have been treating with chick antibotics and the vet said give them viatmin a so i did that too. some of them seem to have gotten alittle better but about 5-6 still have swollen eye.
kiki- thanks for the heads up on the fogger and the links. where did you get the screen from. my main chick run is 10LX20W and my pheasants is connected with their run being 7LX10W and the baby run connected also is 5LX5W. I have thought of doing the screen but havent been able to find any for a decent price
Diatomaceous earth can be purchased at tractor supply. I won't be without it again! It comes in 4 lbs and 40 lb bags. I know it will help. I mixed a tablespoon into there feed and the bleeding stopped within 4 hours or so and they perked up alot. They all acted normal by 24 hours.

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