Help with selecting site for coop (with pictures)


10 Years
Dec 31, 2009
Moira, NY
OK, the time for getting my free building is getting closer. Its and 8'w X 10'l X 9'h. I've attached pictures of my backyard. Using the 1st shot to give you an over idea of the property and the the next 2 shots are panoramas when I was standing at Point A (birdbath).

The wooden fences and the woods way in the back mark my property lines. Point B is the neighbors garage but my property extends behind that. I use the big concrete slab to turn around on so I can put the coop there. The chain link fence is my dog's pen. I've heard mixed reviews on sharing a pen border with the dog.

Where would you put the coop with a (roughly) 10' x 10' run?

Thanks as always.

Yard facing toward the house:

Yard facing away from the house:

Hmm.. I would put it far enough away to be close enough to the house. Make any sense? Sort of far enough away to keep the neighbors happy. But close enough to be convenient for you to tend to and keep an eye on them. But my answer would be to the right of point A.
Ms.FuzzyButts :

Hmm.. I would put it far enough away to be close enough to the house. Make any sense? Sort of far enough away to keep the neighbors happy. But close enough to be convenient for you to tend to and keep an eye on them. But my answer would be to the right of point A.

also the front of a coop facing south will benefit sunlight throughout the year. The back wall of a coop benefits if it "faces" the direction where your worst winter weather-wind comes from. most back walls are solid (without windows or permanant ventilation)​
also the front of a coop facing south will benefit sunlight throughout the year. The back wall of a coop benefits if it "faces" the direction where your worst winter weather-wind comes from. most back walls are solid (without windows or permanant ventilation)

YES and YES. It's nice to have electricity if close enough to run a shop type extension cord would be nice. And definitely work with your weather! You definitely don't want cold air gusting in your pop door and vent openings all day! If you'll have windows, take advantage of winter sun. And you don't want to be in a low spot. So avoid areas that get kind of boggy when it rains...find a spot with decent drainage.

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