Help with Sexing (sorry no pics yet)

Maybe this will help you:
Cockerels: Pullets:
pinkish comb yellowish comb
more downy quicker to feather
stumpy tail long, quick tail
legs longer, look for spur development shorter, delicate legs
head larger more angular smaller, round head

My husband always makes me sex ours ASAP and he writes it down and then he checks back when they are bigger to see how I did. I usually do very well. Try it and write it down then go back and check when you know what they are. It's fun.

Good pics of your chicks! I am nowhere near an expert at sexing chickens, but what do I win if I get them all right? I think you're right on with the suspected genders except the first one and the last one look questionable to me. However I just took my contacts out AND I need to see them in person.
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