Help! yellow bubbley poop from my pullet!

Suzy P

Mar 10, 2021

One of my new pullets had yellow bubbley poop yesterday, I and didn't think anything of it. But today while researching on chicken health came across some info on Coccidiosis!
Is Huvepharma Corid 9.6% Oral Solution safe for my chickens to treat for Coccidiosis? It says for calves!
And how much to use in a huge bucket of water?​

Yes, it's safe for chickens. Correct dosing for chickens for the 9.6% liquid is 2 tsp (or 9.5cc) per gallon of water. It should be made fresh daily and should be the only water they have access to during treatment. Treat for 5 -7 days. If the bird is acting sick, not eating or drinking well, then give an oral dose daily as well as the medicated water, dosing for that is here:
Sometimes yellow or tannish, runny or creamy droppings are just cecal droppings, and normal. So pictures would be helpful. Yellow, watery, eggy, mucousy looking droppings are a different thing. If the bird is acting sick or lethargic, or every dropping looks that way, then a cause should be looked for. Corid is pretty safe, so likely no harm if it's something else (if in doubt, I would treat), but if it's not coccidiosis, then no need to treat for that.
Yellow, brownish-tan and foamy poop can indicate a possible Coccidiosis infection, intestinal worms, Blackhead Disease or it can just be a normal cecal poop.

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