
In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2017
I saw this add on Craigslist where the ducklings were walking on chicken wire. I know that that can hurt Bunny's feet and give them sore hocks. Is it bad for ducks too? Or just Bunny's??
I have 10 pullets that are 7 weeks old, My husband and I have spent every weekend building coop and run. I originally thought..oh I'll get these chicks and feed them non GMO feed and have good eggs but, I have grown attached to them. I was going to get a second dog but, now these birds are my new pets. I always wanted chickens and now that I have them just watching them and listening to their chirps settles my nerves and relaxes me. There are few things in life that can give you that much serenity and I'm glad I made the decision to care for these little lives.
I saw this add on Craigslist where the ducklings were walking on chicken wire. I know that that can hurt Bunny's feet and give them sore hocks. Is it bad for ducks too? Or just Bunny's??

I have 10 pullets that are 7 weeks old, My husband and I have spent every weekend building coop and run. I originally thought..oh I'll get these chicks and feed them non GMO feed and have good eggs but, I have grown attached to them. I was going to get a second dog but, now these birds are my new pets. I always wanted chickens and now that I have them just watching them and listening to their chirps settles my nerves and relaxes me. There are few things in life that can give you that much serenity and I'm glad I made the decision to care for these little lives.

Welcome to BYC, both of you. I hope that you enjoy being members as much as the rest of us.

Best wishes
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