
Jul 17, 2019
SORRY FOR THE LONG POST BUT ITS URGENT. NEED HELP. So, I had a hen who had an egg break inside of her last week and took her to the vet. He gave me antibiotics to give for 3 weeks and meloxicam to give for 5 days. The meloxicam was up Monday. My mom had passed away so I couldn't keep her separated while dealing with that but she still received her medicine. Today she kept running out when she saw me and had some normal poop but kept going back to her box. I felt her abdomen and think I felt an egg but couldn't tell so I gave her an Epsom salt bath just to be on the safe side. Cause I freaked out. With the death of my mom and another pet hen within weeks of each other, I got worried. I added a little oil to make it easier. Now she's not active and just stands there. Like she wants to lay down but can't.

Tonight I gave her, her usual medicine with some liquid vitamin stuff and put meloxicam (not much) in a syringe with water. Then I rubbed her stomach and abdomen and gave her another Epsom salt bath but let her in there longer cause she seemed relaxed. I go to get her out she falls over like she couldn't walk. So I took my hoodie off and wrapped it around her thinking she got paralyzed by something I did and I started to panic. After 5 minutes she jumped out of my arms and walked up to the perch and stands there. So I syringe water just in case and she ate a crap ton of corn from my hand. I put her in a cage for the night but can't bring her inside unfortunately. But she is still standing. Like I said I swear I feel an egg and she's on antibiotics still. Is she egg bound. Is this typical? Is there more I can do? I can't deal with another death.
Oh no! That doesn’t sound good! Unfortunately I don’t have much advice because I’ve never had an egg-bound hen, however I do know that this condition can cause them to become paralyzed because the egg inside presses on the nerves that allow them to feel and move their legs. It sounds like egg binding. Sorry I can’t help any more, but I hope this helps at least some!

I’m also very sorry for your mother’s passing. Losing a loved one is very, very hard, and I understand your pain. :hugs

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