
My 6'x10' tractor:


When it's warm enough, I tarp off the wire part, hang a heat lamp, and brood them right in the tractor.

If you are able to raise them in a tractor, i think you'll find it to be easier, cheaper, and better outcome. I would think buying shavings every week would get pretty expensive. With a move of the tractor, you have a fresh area daily. IME, it seems when they are able to get sunlight and fresh air, they perform much better. In addtion, they are able to eat vegetation and any insects that happen to pass thru.
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You can't think of them like layers in terms of space. I also built a PVC 10x10 tractor. I've been using them a couple of years and I've build a few of them. I put 75 broilers in my tractors quite comfortably. That's about the max in go in a 10x10 but I wouldn't go smaller for fewer birds simply because it's a very convenient size for PVC and you wouldn't have to move it as much either if you have fewer birds.
raising meat birds and show birds are totally birds should NEVER be exposed to sun light, hard surfaces or outside elements. I know from yrs of showing....

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