

In the Brooder
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Hi! I have had chickens for 2 years now and they are slowing down laying. I do know this is supposed to happen! They are my first batch. We got them from Buckerfield's at 2 days old so we never got to hatch them. I would like to hatch chicks in the spring. We are planning on sending them to somebody to "do it" for us. But We are going to keep 5 or 6 of them to try and hatch chicks. We will keep 1 roo and 4 or 5 hens who we hope go broody. Anything we should know for hatching them, raising them, and anything that will help her go broody quicker. This is our first time hatching so please help this newbie out!
Not all chickens go broody. Some breeds are more prone to broodiness than others. Silkies, orpingtons, and Cochins are known to be especially broody, but there are exceptions to every rule. Perhaps you can have a back-up plan to borrow or purchase an incubator just in case.
If there was a way to make a hen broody then everyone would use it....there are however some old remedies, but who knows how many of them work
u could search the forum. But if you need a backup plan, then you should just buy an incubator or make one yourself like the ones on youtube. Good luck with your hatch

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