

In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
I have young chickens and older stock that i go out and some will be on there side trying to get up and it appears they are paralized on the one side you get them up and after a few minutes they start walking fine but the next day go out and they are dead.....any ideas...seems to be worse in the young chickens right now. it is getting very furstrating!
What age are the chickens? I would start by treating the whole flock for Cocci. If you can find some, treat with Corid 9.6% liquid solution. 9.5 ml to a gallon of water for 5-7 days. Mix up a new batch each day.
the young chicks are 2 months old the older ones are 5 months old....they never seem to show any signs of weakness before you go out and find them laying on thier side
I would suspect it is Merek's Disease because of the paralysis and your chickens' age. Here is a website about the symtoms:

also, although it says there are no cures, there is one:

Unless you are sure that your chickens have Merek's don't use the Treatment above because it can cause chickens to become more sensitive to the sun.

Here is a good chart about Preventation:

• Breed for resistance.
• Good sanitation and ventilation.
• Brood chicks separately from adults until 5 months of age.
• Keep turkeys with chickens (this may help the chickens with Marek’s, but can lead to black
head disease in the turkeys).
• Vaccinate all chicks at1day old;keep chicks from exposure until immunity has developed,about7days.

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