

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Swansea, sc
What is going on with my chicks in this photo help plz 1st time with rasing chickens.

If it was a little bald spot then i would say, dont worry if it gets bigger then you better have some medical treatment to treat it. But this is unusually odd. If the young ones have it just keep an eye on it. But if the 2 week old chicks do i would contact a vet and get it looked at. Anyways keep us updated on it! More pics too!
to me it just looks like it got wet on it's tummy or something. make sure the bedding is dry and changed often. the lack of feathers down the center is probably unnoticeable when she's all fluffy :)

my cornishX would lay in their own poop while eating and have this issue, but I think they were bigger when that started. what kind of chick is this?
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If you are using a bowl instead of a baby chick waterer, the chicks can get in the bowl, get wet or even drown. Wet isn't good because the chicks can chill. The marbles or clean pebbles allow the chicks to get a drink, and if they climb or fall into the bowl the water is less deep and they can get themselves out easily.

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