
6 Years
Nov 1, 2013
I was working in my pen this morning and my wood duck some how managed to fly through the gate as I was coming in. His female mate is still in the pen. He is in the woods about 50 yards from the pen calling and just sitting on the ground. How do you suggest I get him back? He is really flighty and scared of me.
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I would try to catch and put the hen in some sort of a cage inside of the pen. Then leave the gate to the pen open, and hopefully he will return to the pen and her. Good luck. To pursue him would only cause him to go further away. Good luck.
I would try to catch and put the hen in some sort of a cage inside of the pen. Then leave the gate to the pen open, and hopefully he will return to the pen and her. Good luck. To pursue him would only cause him to go further away. Good luck.

OK thank-you. a neighbors do got out and scared him further away into the woods. Hopefully he will come back. I am still going to start looking to buy another male today though.
Ive had a drake woody escape on me twice! He always comes back to the pen trying to get in to the females! When he is up against the pen i net him! Good luck! Best to leave him alone!

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