
In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2015
Hello my hen started acting strange yesterday. I noticed that her breathing sounded like she was full of fluid and she was panting as if she was struggling to breath. every once in a while she would caugh but she has not discharge from her nose or eyes. I have been watching to see if she is laying as she is only 9 months and her pen mate is giving one egg a day. I have noticed that she has poop on her bottom and her abdomen is greatly distended. Today along with the breathing issue she has her tail down and is very lethargic. Everything I have seen points to ascites, but not being sure I gave her an Epsom bath and started her on Duramycin-10 just to be safe. I also proceeded to drain her after great research today. The fluid that came out was clear one time and the next would be thick yellow just like yoke. She was awesome and her breathing seemed much better I no longer heard the gargling sound and she started exploring the yard. Feeling encouraged I started on other things and later went to check on her. Her abdomen is full again and her gargle breathing is back. Worried.
I wonder if your hen is egg bound? Sorry, I can't give any advise except to say read some of the articles on here to see what the symptoms are and what can be done. Good luck.
That was what I originally thought so that is why I gave her a warm bath to relax her and help the process along but to no avail.

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