"Helped" a check out of the shell. Not sure how to proceed now.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
East Tennessee
I had a lavender ameraucana pip but not hatch. And, 24 hours later I was going to go in and help it, But another baby hatched, so I couldn't open the incubator. Eight more hours later, I checked to see if the Ameraucana was dead, but it was not. It was cheeping loudly. I helped it get most of the shell off. It looked slightly under developed to me. I stuck it back in the incubator, thinking it was going to die. This morning, however, it was still alive, And moving around much more actively. However, it still has a piece of shell stuck to attack, and I believe the glue from inside the Shell has dried on its dander. Either that, or it didn't develop enough dander. So it pipped during the day on the 26th, I pulled it out in the evening on the 27th, and it is still in the incubator. It still looks pretty scrawny and hairless, which again, I'm not sure if that's because of glued down dander. What do I do with it now? Should I leave it in the incubator longer? Is it safe to clean it up? If so should it go back into the incubator afterwards? I have a separate little brooder set up for this little guy If and when he's ready. Will continue to try to get a photo to add to this thread, but it's hard to get anything really visible from inside the incubator.
Okay. I don't know much about incubating, but I might be able to help with this one.

1. You aren't supposed to help a chick out of the shell. (unless a bit is stuck to it. Then you can pull it off)
Only problem with that? It is hard to not help.
Why can't you help? Because if the chick can't make it out of the shell, it might not have enough strength to live. (Your chick might live, but then again, I don't know much about incubating)

2. He/she should have friends. Chicks make that really sad "I'm sad and lost" sound, and only if they are alone, in trouble, or away from the gang. If you put him/her in with the others immediately, they might accept him/her. If he/she is weak or diseased, they will pick on him/her.

Somebody more experienced will help more, because I don't know anything more to help you. Good Luck!
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I just had to deal with a similar situation.. And then it's fluff was all plastered down, like your's is. I left mine alone for about 24 hours to make sure it had enough time rest up and then I took it and used a warm wet cloth and tried to wash her up that way. It didn't take long for her to dry up and be fluffier than before. It will probably take some soaking to get the egg shell off of it. Afterwards, you can put it back in the incubator until it dries and warms up a bit. If you have another chick that could be with it to keep it company, that would be great because it will get lonely and sad if you don't.
After it's dried up you could go ahead and put it in the brooder or with it's siblings.
Thanks Aacre! I got the shell off, but she's soooo wobbly/scrawny I'm terrified to get her wet. I put her and her incubator mate in a mesh basket in the brooder so everyone could be together without issues, because she was getting trampled and pecked when I put them straight in. I thought maybe if I could get her strength up I'd risk cleaning her. What sort of vitamins/medicine/etc should I give her? She only sort of pecks at the food without taking in any as far as I can tell.
I've done it too. I can't help it. Some die, some survive. I always wash with warm cloth then use blow dryer on low setting. sway dryer back and forth about 6 inches above chick so you do not burn it. After that, they become my pets. I'm not talking basic pet. they will turn out to be the best pets ever!!!
You might want to pick up a bottle of poultry nutridrench. You can put the recommended dosage in the water. Be sure to change it every day, because it will get sour if you don't. Good luck.
Update: I tried the blow dryer thing, but this stuff is on there like cement. So I've been periodically pulling her out to gently scratch at the glued spots with my nail. She hates me now, but we're making slow progress. I also went and got the nutridrench to give her and she's been drinking it really well. I put her back in with the others and now SHE'S the bully, despite being so itty bitty. I know we're not out of the woods yet after only two days, but I'm feeling pretty good about it now.
I had what they call sticky chick, the fluid from hatching was gummy and thick and stuck to the chick, 24 hours later it still didn't look dry and was still lying in the same place, I gently removed it from the incubator, ran some warm water got a small, very soft child's toothbrush and started cleaning it that goo was awful, made the chick look bald!! once I got it cleaned up ( took about 5 min. ) I put it back in the incubator and within a few hours it was dry and fluffy and up running around.
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I had what they call sticky chick, the fluid from hatching was gummy and thick and stuck to the chick, 24 hours later it still didn't look dry and was still lying in the same place, I gently removed it from the incubator, ran some warm water got a small, very soft child's toothbrush and started cleaning it that good was awful, made the chick look bald!! once I got it cleaned up ( took about 5 min. ) I put it back in the incubator and within a few hours it was dry and fluffy and up running around.
^ good advice!

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