"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

I couldn't think of anything...
Why do I have a feeling that I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight.... Chicks are the loudest when they come out of the egg, the ducklings and goslings were hardly even noisy when they hatched.
Hey everyone!
Sorry my sister was down and had so many things going on this weekend that i didn't get a chance to get on! When i got on this morning i had a warning for saying something on here. Already???? ehhh! But anyways My 55 gallon fish tank broke in my living room this weekend and flooded my livingroom. It was awful! Steam cleaned all day long! Hubby needs computer he just got up and has to do school work i'll be on in a bit
probably about 4:30 ish
Well I'm back! lol I can't believe i got in trouble on here! I am not a trouble maker nor due i usually ever get in trouble! But i guess they are looking for violators!
Yes earlier i said my aquarium broke! I was pillow fighting with the girls and in somehow the darn thing broke and just squirted water everywhere!!!! It was insane! My sister and I just laughed at first because we were just in shock! After though i was cussing up a storm cleaning up a bunch of stinky fish water! We had to throw all the fish in the pond bc we didn't want them to die! Bummer

All my birds seem to be doin good. Except for one of the eggs under my broody silkie went missing.... not sure how it happend. searched the whole pen didn't find a snake anywhere. And if it had ate an egg it wouldn't have been able to slither out.... holes are too small for it to squeeze through after a egg. So we put some golf balls out there to maybe "confuse" a snake if thats the reason it went missing. Or maybe some STOLE an egg lol Not sure who would steal a broody hens egg but i just had to put it out there!
What are you all up too? East i think rains coming this weekend.... I'm doing the rain dance for us!

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