Helpful App I just found


Oct 16, 2021
New Zealand
My Coop
My Coop
Hi gardening with chickens fans,

I just thought I'd share an app I found and started using, it's called Moon and Garden on play store (unsure if it's on Apple store). It is a moon gardening app however it has very useful note taking features plus general helpful features. I'm also using it to keep track of when I set eggs under broodies as the note taking is very useful. It is free, and you can pay $1.49 (NZ$) to have it ad free, but it appeared to be fully featured without paying anything. I just paid for it as I hate ads and it's a really good app.

I'm having a go at the moon gardening thing when it's convenient for the time I have to spend in the garden, mostly for fun and to see what happens.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is moon gardening?
Honestly I couldn't give you a good answer myself I'm not very familiar with it yet. The basic concept is the moon and its different phases influence plants, so you do different tasks in the garden depending on the moon phase. It's a very old folklore type tradition found in many cultures and dating back to essentially the beginning of agriculture. It's in the category of pseudoscience, however I don't really care, I'm using it as a way to bring some mindfulness and humility into my gardening, and be more aware of the cycles of nature.

I'm using a biodynamic system, only because that's the easiest system to find apps and information about.
Honestly I couldn't give you a good answer myself I'm not very familiar with it yet. The basic concept is the moon and its different phases influence plants, so you do different tasks in the garden depending on the moon phase. It's a very old folklore type tradition found in many cultures and dating back to essentially the beginning of agriculture. It's in the category of pseudoscience, however I don't really care, I'm using it as a way to bring some mindfulness and humility into my gardening, and be more aware of the cycles of nature.

I'm using a biodynamic system, only because that's the easiest system to find apps and information about.
Moon gardening is what it sounds like. Gardening according to the moon cycles. When there is a full moon, the tides of the ocean are higher. Likewise, the water table in the ground increases. That’s when you plant your underground plants-root veggies like onions, potatoes etc. On the flip side when it’s a new moon the water table drops and so that’s when you plant above ground “fruiting” plants like beans, Tom, etc. and never plant on Thursday. I thought my MIL. Was nuts. I planted Lima beans on a Thursday. I had the most beautiful plants!! They were almost 5 ft tall. Not a single flower. Old wives tale is that if you plant anything on Thursday it’ll never “fruit” and has something to do with the events surrounding Christs arrest and subsequent torture and cruxification. That’s what my Greek MIL says. Like I said I thought she was nuts. I’ll never call her that again.

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