Free Ranging
I'm cleaning my run out. Random thoughts
If you think it's a good idea-its not.
Wear gloves
Always wear layers of clothes. Pants over shorts long sleeve over tank/t-shirt.
Remember where you shed your clothes
Never ever add more than 2-3 inches of pine needles.
It's easier to add than subtract
Never rake a pile and leave in coop til tomorrow
Chickens don't scatter pine needles BUT will scatter the pile you raked yesterday.
Run needles do not burn as well as needles from Yard.
Make absolutely sure burn pile is out 2 days after burn.
Mow yard every 3-4 days after 6 days-bale your hay.
If you think it's a good idea-its not.
Wear gloves
Always wear layers of clothes. Pants over shorts long sleeve over tank/t-shirt.
Remember where you shed your clothes
Never ever add more than 2-3 inches of pine needles.
It's easier to add than subtract
Never rake a pile and leave in coop til tomorrow
Chickens don't scatter pine needles BUT will scatter the pile you raked yesterday.
Run needles do not burn as well as needles from Yard.
Make absolutely sure burn pile is out 2 days after burn.
Mow yard every 3-4 days after 6 days-bale your hay.