Hen’s Breed?

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She's a pretty hen. Whether she's a JG or not, I wouldn't use her for breeding purposes because, as you already stated, she's way under weight, and she also doesn't fit the standard for Jerseys in other ways, such as the long, high carried tail. I'm sure she'll make a great pet and laying hen.
What egg colour, size and shape does she lay?
She's a pretty hen. Whether she's a JG or not, I wouldn't use her for breeding purposes because, as you already stated, she's way under weight, and she also doesn't fit the standard for Jerseys in other ways, such as the long, high carried tail. I'm sure she'll make a great pet and laying hen.

She lays medium brown eggs. Normal egg shape. She’s not being used for breeding so no worries there. None of our Jersey’s are. But she should start gaining weight since we’ve dewormed. I haven’t weighed her since we started deworming but all the ones I have weighed are gaining like crazy.
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She lays medium brown eggs. Normal egg shape. She’s not being used for breeding so no worries there. None of our Jersey’s are. But she should start gaining weight since we’ve dewormed. I have weighed her since we started deworming but all the ones I have weighed are gaining like crazy.
She might be a LF x bantam cross, her body form and tail hint to it.

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