Hen’s Face Issue


8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Can anyone help? One of my hens, she is about 3 yrs old, has these white bumps which are hard on her upper beak along with her eye which seems swollen and behind the eye. It is only on this one side. (Her feathers look wet because I was wiping her down). Any ideas would be helpful. Many thanks.


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Can you post a photo of the other side?
What does the inside of the beak look like?
Have you checked her for lice/mites?
Have you added any new chickens in the last 30 days?
How long have you had her?

I see bubbles in the eyes. This is often a sign of respiratory disease like Mycoplasma, but it could be seen in other respiratory diseases. Sometimes infection from poor ventilation, mold/fungus or something else getting into the eye may be a cause.

You mention you were wiping her down, is that because of the discharge from the eye?
General eye care is to flush the eye with saline, remove any discharge/pus or debris and apply an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin.
Look in her ear as well for any pus or debris.
Her comb looks a little powdery or is it just dry? I would be inclined to put a little anti-fungal cream on the comb.

If the cause of the eye bubbles is respiratory disease, you can also use Tylan50 to see if that makes a difference (this is in addition to flushing the eye and using ointment). Dosage is 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days. Antibiotics can help treat secondary infection but they will not cure respiratory disease.

Can you post a photo of the other side?
What does the inside of the beak look like?
Have you checked her for lice/mites?
Have you added any new chickens in the last 30 days?
How long have you had her?

I see bubbles in the eyes. This is often a sign of respiratory disease like Mycoplasma, but it could be seen in other respiratory diseases. Sometimes infection from poor ventilation, mold/fungus or something else getting into the eye may be a cause.

You mention you were wiping her down, is that because of the discharge from the eye?
General eye care is to flush the eye with saline, remove any discharge/pus or debris and apply an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin.
Look in her ear as well for any pus or debris.
Her comb looks a little powdery or is it just dry? I would be inclined to put a little anti-fungal cream on the comb.

If the cause of the eye bubbles is respiratory disease, you can also use Tylan50 to see if that makes a difference (this is in addition to flushing the eye and using ointment). Dosage is 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days. Antibiotics can help treat secondary infection but they will not cure respiratory disease.

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Thanks for responding. So she was wet because she had cantaloup goop on her face and I didn't want that to be looked at as part of the problem. She is about 3 years old and no new chickens in the last 30 days.

So I have started her on VetRx up the nostrils, cleaned out her eye, and Lotrimin for her comb.

I have attached a pic. of the other side of her face from today.

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. She is the low man on the totem pole and gets pecked at. I am wondering if that is what the sores are from?


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I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. She is the low man on the totem pole and gets pecked at. I am wondering if that is what the sores are from?
It's possible the sores could be from picking, but they look quite crusty to me. I do have a couple of hens that get picked on sometimes, they get a scab or two, but nothing that's hard or crusty.
The bubbles in the eye - if those persist, I would also apply an eye ointment at least 2 times a day when flushing out.

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