Hen-0-pause and a shell-less egg?


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
Hawthorne, CA
My alpha hen, Saffron, has not laid an egg in over 8 months. She has been going up and sitting on the nest for the past month or so but nothing laid. This morning (6am) she sang in her coop and I found a shell-less egg! The "egg" contained only egg white, so now should I be worried about the new development? I was okay about her not laying - but now with the shell-less egg - is that a cause for worry? She always had free access to oyster shell and also enjoyed cal gluconate on bread, along with my other girls...but now what?

Have you had a hen who you thought went through hen-o-pause, all of a sudden start up again? Saffron is 3 years old now and is a Buff Orphington. She is healthy, sparky and overall in good health!



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